What is homeopathy
Gentle and effective
Homeopathy is a natural, gentle and effective system of medicine that has been in use for over 200 years. It works holistically for each unique individual, stimulating the body’s own healing mechanism to help restore health and harmony. It is based on the principle of like cures like - a substance taken in small amounts can cure the same symptoms it causes when taken in large amounts.
From natural sources
Homeopathic medicines are traditionally known as remedies. They are usually given in tablet form and are made from natural sources which have undergone a precise and lengthy process of dilution and agitation, known as potentisation. The high dilutions ensure that homeopathic remedies are non toxic and can be taken with very low risk of side effects.
Safe for all
Many people use homeopathy to help with childhood illnesses, asthma, eczema, IBS and depression, to name a few. It can help treat acute and chronic conditions in both the young and old. It is safe for babies, pregnant women and can be used alongside conventional medicines.
Find out more
To read more about homeopathy, how it works and the latest evidence and research, visit homeopathyawareness.com
Or contact me to chat about how homeopathy could help you.

"Natural forces within us are the true healers of disease" Hippocrates